A man called out to the heavens for a creature in his hostile land.
And God took a handful of southerly sand, blew his breath over it and created the horse.
Arabic proverb
The creation of this exceptional clock draws its inspiration from the concept “tempus fugit” (time flies), providing an endless source of fascination. Whether long or short, friend or foe, time runs wild and free. The idea of “taming” it – not to gain mastery over it but rather to better appreciate it – this was the starting point of the amazing adventure which gave birth to the mare and her foal, an automaton and exceptional clock dubbed “Hippologia”.
Design & Art DirectionAlexia Steunou JobinHorologyParmigiani Fleurier SA AutomationJunodCrystalLaliqueDevelopment & CoordinationAlatron SA & Parmigiani Fleurier SAYear2015